Saturday, November 15, 2008

Budgetgirl vs the Princessbride

Looking for wedding jewelry has been one the wedding searches that I actually enjoyed. I wasn't looking for anything to big or outrageous. I seriously considered buying a pearl necklace because they are so elegant and classic and would go well with my dress. High quality pearls look fantastic, and 'bargain' pearls look like the kind that I used to play dress up, so not so nice. And since our wedding budget is definately closer to the bargain end of the scale than high end, I decided against the pearls. Sigh.

And that's why these earrings make me happy. They give me some pearl, and they are down right awesome.

I usually don't wear big dangly earrings. I actually don't own a pair. And I do have pair of white gold and diamond earrings that L got me for christmas last year. I love them and I wear them whenever we get dressed up and go somewhere nice. I could wear them again...but I think I want something that is a little more costumey. Does that make sense? I want something a little more theatrical because there are not many days that I could get away with wearing big dangly pearl earrings. And they are $30.

Budget girl says, "Don't get 'em, wear the fancy ones you already have."
Princessbride says, "$30! That's a steal! Look at them, they are gorgeous. Buy them. Buy them Buy them"

The necklace that is the top contender is only that, a contender. I'm not 100% sold.

I like the close up on the necklace. It has pearls, but is not entirely pearls, and it has some sparkle. It is very pretty. The picture of it on the model doesn't sell it for me though. It is too sparkley. I don't want so much shine around my neck for pictures, and I don't know if the photographer could deal it. It is $60, which I don't think is that bad in the wedding world, but...I'm just not feeling it for that price. The neckline of my dress is strapless, pretty much straight across the top, and the bodice is quite busy: lace and crystals and ribbon. I think it might even be better to go necklace free, especially if my earrings are bigger.
Either way I should probably wait until the Canadian dollar is a bit better. Why couldn't I have been ready to buy wedding stuff when I went down to the States last year? Our dollar was on par!

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